
The silence won’t protect us. We gotta join together and speak out.

–Cybill Shepherd, Actor




“OMG did you hear about the loser girl who cried just because she fell?!? She is such a baby!”

This is a very common form of bullying … rumors. They are simple sentences but really, they hurt a lot! You’ve probably heard rumors like this a lot in middle school or in high school.

A Common Situation

** Janie is a new student at West Key Middle School. She wears glasses and a pony tail every day. Some kids have called her “nerd,” “four eyes,” and other nasty names. Janie tried not to let it bother her, but now the bullying has gone from name calling to pushing and tripping. Now things have become physical, and this is really bothering Janie. But she doesn’t have anyone to turn to.

  • How should Janie react and who should she go to?
  • What would you do if you were Janie?
  • What would you do if you witnessed this situation?

The best way to react to verbal bullying — even though it hurts — is to ignore it. All bullies want is your reaction. Whether or not the bullying turns physical, you should always tell a trusted adult. They can guide  you in handling the situation and intervene if it is necessary.


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