Peer Pressure

It is a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.

~ J.K. Rowling, Author



Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is doing or being pressured to do something you don’t want to do–whether it’s being mean to someone, damaging someone’s property, and spreading rumors or doing something dangerous like smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol or driving fast. Peer pressure happens when you don’t want to be left out or feel alone. Stay away from peers who pressure you.


Here are some ways that you can avoid peer pressure:

  • Say NO in situations when you are scared.
  • Say NO to pressure.
  • Tell an adult that someone is pressuring you.
  • Change the subject.
  • Walk away from the situation.
  • Be true to yourself, and don’t do what they say.
  • Question them about their behavior, and talk it out.

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