About This Site


This site was created by Girl Scout Troop 2574 in North Carolina. We are girls who care about other girls. We’ve been working on our aMaze Journey all year, and this project serves as our Take Action Project.

We know that there’s a lot that goes on in middle school and high school, and we care about helping other girls overcome everyday problems and situations in their lives.

Take a stand. Lend a hand. These words are so important, and if we live our lives this way then no one else has to be on the receiving end of bullying, peer pressure, and other relationship problems.

Feel free to look around this site for some advice. We hope it helps. And if you feel like jumping into the conversation and offering some advice of your own, we’d love to hear it. This blog site is all about girls helping other girls, and maybe you have a great idea to share, too. None of us are alone.


Take a stand. Lend a hand.

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